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Poems & Book Reviews

Poems in Print & Online Journals

"In the Aftermath of Hurricane Helene" forthcoming in anthology 30 Poems in November 2024 [print] 


"Driving to Plum Island, Late July" forthcoming in anthology Cape Cod to Nova Scotia: Art, Ecology, Poetry of the Gulf of Maine (2027)

"Holding a Mirror Up to van Gogh's Crows" in The Ekphrastic Review (November 2024)

"In Backyards Across America" in Silkworm 17 [print]

"Eve Writes to Mary Cassatt" in The Ekphrastic Review (April 2024) 


Waiting for a Room in Rehab" in anthology 30 Poems in November 2023 [print]

“Fate of the Animals” in The Ekphrastic Review (November 2023)

“Self-Portrait as House Cat” & “Pandemic Years” in Silkworm 16 [print]

“Summer Rental on Ocean Farm Road,” “Rain Birds and Related Questions,” “Shape-Shifting in Topanga Canyon,” & “The Blues” in the Aeolian Harp Vol. 9 Anthology [print]


"Cosmic View, Courtesy of the James Webb Space Telescope" & "Rain Birds and Other Questions" in Crab Creek Review, Spring/Summer 2023 [print]

"Waiting for Sunrise in Wellfleet," "Approaching the Midterms, The Day of the Dead," & "Nobody Needs Another Gratitude Poem (and Yet)" in Aji, issue 18, spring 2023

"Shape-shifting in Topanga Canyon" in SWWIM Every Day

"The Blues" & "Ode to a Fungus" in Silkworm 15 [print]

Looking at Paintings with Animals" in The Ekphrastic Review

"Two Golden Shovel Poems After William Carlos Williams" in The Ekphrastic Review 

"Silueta" (for Ana Mendieta), "Queen Bess" (for Bessie Coleman), "The Longleaf Pine Woman" (for Caroline Dorman), "A Woman's Eye" (for Frances B. Johnston), & "Belle Townsley Smith" in Julie Lapping Rivera's collaborative print and poetry exhibitionLook Again

"Autumnal Equinox, Twenty-Twenty" & "Me and Prairie Dropseed" in Canary, Autumn Equinox 2022


"There Was Nothing but Land; Not a Country at All," "Midpoint: Lebanon, Kansas" & "The Eallu" in Aji, issue 15, fall 2021

"Canterbury Farm" "Fuel for the Fire" in Silkworm 14 (2021) [print]

"In the Country of the Pointed Firs" in SWWIM Every Day (September 2021)

"Driving Up Haleakalā, House of the Sun" in Lily Poetry Review, Issue 6, 2021 [print]

"Vaccine Research at the St. Charles Laboratory" in Radar Poetry (Issue 30)

"Derek Drove the John Deere Tractor" & "After the Wildfire" in Pirene’s Fountain (Issue 14)    

"Walk in the Driving Rain" & "After Hopper" in The Banyan Review (Issue 5: Spring 2021)

"How Days Are Observed" in The Orchards Poetry Journal (December 2020) 

"Outside the Staples Center in Los Angeles," "An early hour is a good hour" & "To All the Starlings" in 

"First Anniversary" in Straw Dog Writers Pandemic Poetry 

"I have eaten geographies" in SWWIM Every Day, (August 2020)

"Empirical Construction, Istanbul" & "The Fortune Teller" in Silkworm 13 [print]

"Self-Portrait with Black Background" in The Ekphrastic Review      

"Morning Glory" in Northampton Visual Arts and Poetry Biennial, 2019 

"Sunrise Run in Zion" in The Worcester Review (Vol. XL, No. 1&2)

"The Dryer, the Birds and the Plumber" & "The Deployment of Bees" in Silkworm 12 (2019)

"Waiting for the Show that is Morning" in Molecule (Issue 1)


"On Me Fait Signe" in The Ekphrastic Review, 2019

"5 PM" in SWWIM Every Day (May 2019)

"Godbird" in Tule Review (2019) [print]   

"Solo Hike on the Wilderness Coastal Trail" in Mom Egg Review (Vol. 17)

"Same Day Appointment" in Linea (Vol. 1, No. 1)

"Self-Portrait" & "Fishes" in Voice of Eve (Issue 4)


"Un Mundo" in Forth 

"Elegy for Doris" & "What the Poverty Grass Said along the Edges of Route 66" in Silkworm 11 [print]

"Flower Poem in Two Parts" in SPANK the CARP (Pond 44)

"170,000 Refugees Arrived in Italy Last Year" in WordPeace (Spring 2018) 

"Waiting in Line to be Added to the Endangered Species List” in Canary (Spring 2018)

"Self-Portrait Hesitating between Music and Painting" in Light: A Journal of Photography and Poetry (2018) 

"Clothesline: Idomeni Camp in Greece" in Common Ground Review (Vol.19, No. 2)

"Small Extinctions" & "Night Meditation" in Silkworm 10 (2017)  

"I Have No Shadow," "Judith Slaying Holofernes" & "A Nun" in The Ekphrastic Review 

"Metamorphosis" & "Self-Portrait on the Sixth Wedding Anniversary" in Ekphrasis, Vol. 7, No. 6

"Green Flies Eat Peaches" in Haiku Journal

"Summertime" & "Frescoed Clouds" in The Skinny Poetry Journal (2016) 

"Migration of Desire" in Naugatuck River Review (2016)  

"The Motion of Magnitude" & "Welcome" in Silkworm 9 (2016)   


Poems in Anthologies 

"Rain Birds and Related Questions," "Shape-shifting in Topanga Canyon," "The Blues," and "Summer Rental on Ocean Farm Road" in Aeolian Harp Anthology Vol 9, 2023 (forthcoming)

"The Outermost House" in From the Farther Shore in Calliope Poetry/Bass River Press, 2021

"The Fig Family" in 30 Poems in November, 2020

"Walk in a Winter Storm" in A Constellation of Kisses, Terrapin Books, 2019


"The Pines" in 30 Poems in November, 2019 

"Frescoed Clouds" in The Skinny Poetry Anthology, Cherry Castle Publishing, 2019 

"C-5 Galaxy Flying North Over South Amherst" in Compass Roads, Straw Dog Writers Guild Poetry, 2018

"Send Me a Photo of the Bottom of Your Shoes" in 30 Poems in November, 2018


"Fish Who Grow Into Girls" in 56 Days of August, Poetry Postcards, 2017

"Luna Moth" in 30 Poems in November, 2017 

"30 Days in November" in 30 Poems in November, 2016

"The Poetry Coat" in 30 Poems in November, 2015   


Book Reviews 

Review of Wonderwork by Sandra Fees in MER (December 2024) 

Review of Acts of Creation: On Art and Motherhood by Hettie Judah in MER (November 2024)

Review of Canticle for Remnant Days by Jane C. Miller in MER (July 2024)


Review of Lady Wing Shot by Sara Moore Wagner in MER (May 2024)


Review of Fabulosa by Karen Rigby in MER (April 2024)


Review of I Say The Sky by Nadia Colburn in MER (February 2024)

Review of In a Body by Emily Hockaday in MER (December 2023)

Review of Navigating the Reach by Mary Buchinger in MER (October 2023)

Review of The Davids Inside David by Sarah Wetzel in Rain Taxi (Vol. 24, No. 3) [print]

Review of The Bones of Winter Birds by Ann Fisher-Wirth in Cider Press Review (Vol. 21, Issue 2) 


Review of Cutting Room by Jessica de Koninck in Rain Taxi (Vol. 22, No. 3)  [print]



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